Everything You Need To Know About Psyllium Husk

Psyllium Husk

Of all of the ingredients in the relatively simple, straightforward list that comprises aROYO loaf, like flax seeds, apple cider vinegar, and oat fiber, psyllium husk might stand out as one of the more mysterious ones. You may have heard that psyllium husk is in fact a form of fiber that is natural, minimally processed, and quite nutritious. But that isn’t where the story ends.

This vital ingredient in all of our breads is “made from the husks of seeds from the Plantago ovata plant, which is a shrub native to Western and Southern Asia,” according to theProHealth Library. “Currently, India is the largest grower of Plantago ovata plants and produces 85% of the world’s psyllium husk . . . The soluble fiber in psyllium husks absorbs water as it passes through the digestive system, and becomes a sort of gel-like, viscous substance” within your body. The key there issoluble fiber; the kind dissolves in water and is digestible by the bacteria that balance our microbiome, acting as a prebiotic.

While psyllium is a commonly used ingredient in fiber powders and supplements made to help us digest properly when our food isn’t doing the job, it is actually much more effective when it’sin our food, instead of beside it, as with most nutrients. This is why bread packed with psyllium is an easy and tasty one-two punch.

Psyllium packs someserious health benefits that go beyond just claims. Science to the rescue! This fibrous husk has been shown to improve metabolic function, help control cholesterol levels, and most importantly, help yougo on a regular basis (if you catch our drift).

In addition to feeding “good” intestinal bacteria, psyllium boasts a host of benefits. It has been shown to help keep blood sugar at stable levels, increase satiety (We’re all trying to ward off impulsive binges, right?), and keep bad cholesterol at bay. Of course, it is important, like with all fiber-rich foods, to be aware of excessive or sudden increases in intake, which may lead to bloating, cramping, or other digestive irritation.

As one of a number of fiber-dense ingredients that goes into a ROYO slice, psyllium husk contributes to a whopping 5 grams of fiber for a single slice, which is a pretty sweet deal considering a standard slice of white supermarket bread might contain zero grams of fiber, in addition to a boatload of carbohydrates and little to no protein. Thanks to ROYO Bread’s miraculously simple and healthful ingredient list, the worry of packing in nutritionally empty calories is a thing of the past.